Ukube Ubekhona Ugogo

When a mother goddess passes on. Her influence and legacy lives on. The goddesses celebrate umemulo for the first time in the absence of their mother goddess. Emotions run high.

Nomkhubulwane 2023

Nomkhubulwane is a goddess of rain . A highly spiritual ritual, The goddesses gather and pray to Nomkhubulwane the higher goddess for rain and harvest.


When a goddess reaches her maturity stage, a ritual ceremony umemulo is done by her parents as a key to womanhood. The initiation.


Ukuthomba – when a goddess reaches puberty , it is worth the celebration, ngwemabala is excited to prepare and go through the journey to womanhood.

umemulo we ntombi nto

This is not just umemulo, but a musical battle and dance. In this episode like you never seen before, Goddesses from various kingdoms show you what  they got ..

umemulo ka luyanda

Umemulo – set in the beautiful nature at Msinga,  the ceremony takes you on a journey to initiation of a true goddess, in this amazing Zulu ceremony ..


Mpumi is a creative actress, singer and a dancer, watch as she prepares for her special day Umemulo. The regalia plays an important role, and will the goddess meet up to her mark ?, watch now …